Devil Ball tourney was a success we had
21 players with 7 man teams and all Devil Balls made it back to the
clubhouse with their tem devil ball in hand! That is not to say it was easy as I witnessed many teams spending a lot of time trying to locate the errant devil ball tee shots. To a man everyone said they had a good time as it was fun for all that showed up to play. Next event we have the Senior four ball tournament. detail will be coming soon via your email. A big thanks to our guest players that helped make this day a big success. Guest that played;
David Clapper
Gary Neil
Sean Ware
Tim Garr
Joe Wilcox
Chuck Perkiss.. Chuck left his wife to
deal with the yard sale they had planned to come play the tourney!! As I view this from afar I would not be doing my job if i did not remind you all to join our association is just " Twenty Bucks" Shoot you get that value back in the free lunches...
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Devil Ball Team Champions
with a 42
Jim Lifka, Paul Orr, Dan Neece
1st Place Marv Wittner net 34
2nd Place Jim Dickerson
with net 35 (w/card off)
chipping contest on #9 at 100 yards
winner was Tim Garr 3' 8"
50/50 winner was Sean Ware
K-P on #5 Mark Rose 20' 6 1/2"
K-P on #7 Keith Cunnington 14' 5 1/2"
Thank you Tom Baird and Jake Oliver for all you do!!!
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