2019 (Net AM) replacement Tournament

Well we didn't have enough people sign up for the Net Am.. so if I'm still in the position as president I will be making the recommendation to the rest of the board to think hard about eliminating all NCGA events indefinitely or until the climate changes in regards to competitive golf within our membership. The support has waned in recent years to the point even our former board members have not supported any events this year. On a good note we had a 15 people play the replacement fun tourney everyone had fun even though it was hot as shi$ out there and I thank you for that support. I also thank all those that did help to get this tournament. Our association payed a little extra for a killer lunch that included, “ fall off the bone” ribs, baked potato loaded, and cold slaw.

Our next event is the Club Championship it will be a one day event 9/21/19 tee time 9:00 am sign up sheet will be in the clubhouse.. Lunch will be a epic Taco Bar!! also, we are still looking for a events person for the rest of this year and next year may come with a signing bonus!

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1st place and winners of the 100 bucks
Mike Canavan
Devin Wong

2nd place
Charles Gilbreath
Rob Williams

3rd place
Duane Wade
Eric Becenti

KP on #5 
Tom Baird 9' 3"

KP on #7 
Eric Becenti 15'

Longest drive on # 3
Sabrina Winterburn

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