Please read carefully
- To become a member: To become a member you must first be a member in good standing with the Northern Californian Golf Association (NCGA) after which you can become a member of the Churn Creek Golf Association (CCGA).
- Cost for first year: $46.00 fee for NCGA membership (only first year) and $20.00 fee for the CCGA membership what gives a total of $66.00.
- Cost for renewal: $39.00 fee for NCGA membership (renewal) and $20.00 fee for the CCGA membership that gives a total of $59.00.
- Please make checks payable to: Churn Creek Golf Association
- Renewal: Membership in the CCGA and NCGA expires on December 15th and must be renewed annually. There is a $10.00 NCGA fee if dues are paid after December 31st.
- Total dues to be paid at the desk.
- For more information: Send email to Rick Faller: for more information about membership inquiry, applications and website questions.