2020 CCGA TATA'S Tournament


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Hello all..  we would like to thank everyone that attended our first” TEE OFF FOR TATA’S” tournament we had 24 golfers participate, it was a spur of the moment tourney, next year there will be time to plan and get the word out sooner so we can get “60” golfers to attend.. This tournament will be on our schedule every year. The moneys collected went to two deserving ladies..


Winners with an established Handicap

 1st  Place: Jim McClure

2nd Place: Rob Williams

3rd  Place: Phil Raner


Winners without a Handicap

 1st Place: Tommy O’Callaghan

2nd Place: James Kirk


KP Winners on 4,5,7.

 #4 Second shot - Eric Becenti 5’9”

#5 Dan Neece 4’9”

#7 Jim Lifka 7’3”


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Editors Observations. It will soon be two years ago that I have re-located my family to Idaho. Reading the news I have to say I do not miss living in California one bit. I continue to look forward to posting the tournament results and working on the pictures for our website.  I will always have fond memories of the people we left behind. I see many new faces playing in the tournaments. My message to you is, you will not find a friendlier group of people to enoy the game of golf with. Finally I am pleased to see Jeff Covert after extensive searching found the right set of lady's clubs so he could play with the fellas 😁...and Jane, you still got it.....👌

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